Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Again, 大投入了, 代入感太強, 上周末到Grand Cinema看《The Curious Case of Benjamin Button》, basically, 由Benjamin童年老相, 在老人院的成長、生離死別、遇上first love、豁出去的遊歷人生、反老還童, 以至淡然離別......電影的每一個場口, 不同人物的穿梭, 光與影的結合, 就是催淚 -- 我根本不能hold著自己的眼哭 (天哭星又作怪?That's curious!)。

莫說Brad Pitt 和 Cate blanchett 把每個(almost)ages演活, 導演更本事, 把每個人生階段 -- 年青的輕狂、意氣風發(指的是女主角的都會行、almost踏上一時無兩之境界); 人生的種種偶隨、啟發; 緣生緣滅; 生老病死、擔憂和豁達, 均一一立體地呈現。

Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments...在生日(pre)celebration後, 看電影, 看人生; 大一歲,哭一場, 別有意義。

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At 5:15 AM, Blogger The Man Who Loves Everton said...

when i was in nyc last december, i heard that it's a very good movie. since then i have been looking forward to it. but you know what? in today's the times, it says - This movie is dressed in the Emperor's new clothes and it is mysterious that this movie won an astonishing 13 oscar nominations. It is a tedious marathon of smoke and mirrors, the film lacks substance, credibility, a decent script and characters you might actually care for. It is from whatever time zone you choose to look at this barmy indugence the result is sappingly disappointing.

well. maybe i have to judge it by my own eyes.


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