FF's Wedding-Snapshot
This is one of the snapshots taken at the very end of FF's wedding yesterday at HK Park. The weather was fine...a bit windy though...
It's a busy day and I didn't have much time to take pictures w/ the bride and the others w/ my own DC...Anyway it's lots of fun :)
More updates on the wedding later.
Labels: Friends, Wedding
Happy Birthday
上週五是我的生辰,那是忙碌的一週, 更可說是忙亂的一週; 然而,平實中總有驚喜……
最先和最後的一個祝褔均是由遠方送來的, 分別是Diana的越洋來電和D Ng的hand-written賀卡;opening和ending完全有首尾呼應的神來之筆。Of course, thanks so much for the sweet blessings.
最未能盡興的賀祝活動, 當然是生日前夕, 由友好同事為我籌組的K-Lunch(Karaoke Lunch), 我只能參予下下下半場。我當然知道這十分掃興, 但老闆約了個business lunch appointment, 逃不了, 逃不了。
說到正日, 簡直可以用受寵若驚來形容。老闆和同組同事請我吃午飯, 是意料中事; 但原來她更為我安排了一個生日蛋糕, 並請了所有同事到pantry為我慶祝; 這當然又驚又喜。詢眾要求要make-a-wish, 我便politically correct地說:「我會做好呢份工, 同我想準時放工。」(改寫自Donald Tsang的特首選舉slogan)
至於最窩心的, 當然是眾密友為我和HN籌辦的聚會; 同歡暢, 齊慶賀, 更禮物大豐收呢!
Thanks so much, all of you!!!
Labels: Birthday, Friends, Work